Omar Waleed,开罗开发人员,埃及开罗省
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Omar Waleed

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Toptal Member Since
September 30, 2018

Omar is a full-stack Node.js and Go developer and software architect with over seven years of experience. 他曾与许多初创公司和中型公司合作. Omar is experienced in converting business requirements into working products and has led multiple technical teams.


Dart、软件架构、电子、Firebase、节点.js, Flutter...
Node.js, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, APIs, 电子病历(EMR)...




Preferred Environment

MERN Stack, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Go, Gorm, Mongoose, PostgreSQL, TypeScript

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was a service that allowed users to upload their code. 它处理部署并提供每毫秒计费.

Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • Developed and maintained the Flutter app for mobile as well as the Electron desktop app.
  • 处理Firebase与web和移动应用程序的集成.
  • 管理Android Play Store的发行和部署, iOS App Store, 以及桌面包装和发行版.
Technologies: Dart、软件架构、电子、Firebase、节点.js、Flutter、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Senior Software Engineer

2023 - 2024
  • 负责在多个位置更新UI, 尤其是结账和产品页面.
  • Modified the back-end logic and integrations with 3rd-party providers.
  • 管理不同分析提供者的分析事件.
Technologies: Node.js、TypeScript、JavaScript、api、mParticle、React

Full-stack React and Node.js Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Architected the entire application from a business idea to a complete technical product and supervised the continuous improvements and business decisions taken along the way.
  • 监督QA团队的表现和改进.
  • Was involved in multiple client pitches to answer any technical questions and special requests.
Technologies: Node.js, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, APIs, 电子病历(EMR), PostgreSQL, Payment APIs, Online Payments, MongoDB, Amazon EC2, TypeScript, REST, CI/CD Pipelines, Material UI, Front-end, API Integration

Full-stack React Developer

2022 - 2023
Cuisin, Inc.
  • Built the entire back end of the software and the connection to different social platforms.
  • Provided the client with my expertise in payment and payout solutions.
  • 搭建和部署系统的多个环境.
技术:React, JavaScript, Next.js, Node.js, Firebase, CSS, React Native, Back-end, HTML5, REST, Material UI, Front-end, API Integration

Vue, React, and Node.js Developer

2021 - 2023
Equipment Simulations LLC
  • Developed the reworked app for simulation creation using a 2D engine.
  • Created new features and maintained core JavaScript applications.
  • Monitored and maintained core app infrastructure with different environments.
  • Wrote multiple automation scripts to help with the build process of core application components.
Technologies: React, Node.js, Vue, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Flutter, Team Leadership, DevOps, Back-end, HTML5, REST, Front-end

Back-end Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 建立公司内部使用的工具.
  • 维护不同的微服务及其连接.
  • 回顾并增强了多个数据表的结构.
技术:Docker, MySQL, Node.js、后端、REST、API集成


2019 - 2020
Untap Compete
  • Handled team recruitement.
  • Helped and supervised team work.
  • 对解决方案重建过程进行了架构设计.
  • 帮助确定公司技术目标的优先级和组织.
技术:软件架构,PostgreSQL, Node.js, CTO,技术咨询,HTML5

Team Lead

2019 - 2019
  • 作为管理和开发团队之间的中间人.
  • 对任务和可交付成果进行优先排序.
  • 指导团队完成应用程序生命周期.
  • 体系结构系统根据业务需求进行更改.
  • Provided the team with learning sessions on helpful tools in development.
  • Interviewed new candidates.
  • 向高级管理层汇报进展情况.
  • 处理应用程序的部署.
技术:需求分析, DigitalOcean, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Kubernetes, Docker, MySQL, Node.js, CTO,技术咨询,HTML5, CI/CD Pipelines, API Integration

Technical Consultant

2019 - 2019
  • 指导团队开发生命周期.
  • 基于客户需求的架构化软件解决方案.
  • 处理了部署、复制和正常运行时间配置.
  • Handled securing applications.
  • Guided team on best practices.
  • 协助项目经理决定时间估算.
  • 负责新候选人的面试.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Requirements Analysis, DigitalOcean, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Docker, Kubernetes, CTO, Technical Consulting, HTML5

Senior Full-stack Node.js Developer

2019 - 2019
ArcType (via Toptal)
  • 创建服务于核心应用程序的后端功能.
  • 根据需要实现前端组件和页面.
Technologies: Next.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Git, Electron, React, Node.js, HTML5, Front-end

Full-stack Node.js Developer

2019 - 2019
Ace Match (via Toptal)
  • Developed back end features.
  • 集成系统与Twitch API.
  • Integrated Stripe payment.
  • Developed front end components.
  • 处理DevOps和容器编排.
技术:Vue, DigitalOcean, Stripe, Twitch API, Express.. js、Vue Router、Docker、Kubernetes、MongoDB、Node . js.js,后端,HTML5, REST,前端,API集成

Node.js Developer

2018 - 2019
Prontobot LLC (via Toptal)
  • 处理聊天机器人响应逻辑的开发.
  • 处理应用程序的部署.
  • 为管理团队创建仪表板.
  • 开发面向客户的网站.
Technologies: DigitalOcean, React, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Facebook Messenger API, MongoDB, Node.js, Back-end, REST, CI/CD Pipelines, Material UI, Front-end, API Integration

Senior Node.js开发人员,DevOps工程师和软件架构师

2018 - 2018
Foorera LLC
  • Designed and implemented all of application's functions and database schema into a new back-end system.
  • 设计和添加新功能的应用程序.
  • 创建cron作业来处理时间函数.
  • 使用Node创建自动化脚本.js and GoLang.
  • 使用Ruby on Rails创建了一个管理面板.
  • 用套接字创建了应用内聊天系统.io.
  • 引入了Redis的数据缓存.
  • Implemented multiple microservices to prevent coherence of application functions.
  • 设计并实现了一个电子密码管理器.js.
  • 用React native创建了一个应用程序.
Technologies: Go, DigitalOcean, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Electron, React, React Native, Socket.IO, Sequelize, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, MySQL, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js,后端,HTML5, REST,前端,API集成

Senior Full-stack Node.js Developer

2018 - 2018
  • 使用MUI设计处理管理面板的设计.
  • 使用React实现前端组件.
  • 实现后端微服务来处理管理操作.
  • Handled deployment of development and staging versions of app and database.
  • 使用Amazon S3处理文件上传和文件检索.
技术:MySQL, Google Material Design, React, Express.js, Node.js, HTML5, Front-end

高级Ruby on Rails开发人员和团队负责人

2017 - 2018
  • Handled migration from old team.
  • 使用ruby on rails开发新特性.
  • Distributed tasks and handled communication between UX/UI designers, front-end developers, Unity developers, and back-end.
  • Translated business requirements into tasks for the development teams.
  • Handled testing of new features.
Technologies: DigitalOcean, Technical Leadership, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, HTML5, API Integration

Back-end Node.js开发人员和DevOps工程师

2017 - 2017
Code Touch (Trufla Technologies)
  • 使用Node开发产品特性.js.
  • 使用Docker处理应用容器化.
  • Handled application deployment, orchestration, and replication.
  • 使用Mocha为新旧特性编写测试用例.js.
  • Handled intermediate communication between team leader and junior developers.
  • 处理申请的CI和CD.
技术:DigitalOcean, Mocha, Amazon EC2, MongoDB, Sails.js, Node.js, Back-end, HTML5, REST

Node.js Developer

2016 - 2016
Evexia Labs
  • 处理应用程序从PHP到节点的迁移.js.
  • 在团队成员之间分配任务.
  • 开发主要产品的特性.
  • 开发的应用程序数据库模式.
  • 实现了主要前端响应组件.
  • 处理表单和数据库验证.
  • 测试过的主要应用组件.
技术:车把,流星,节点.js, Back-end, HTML5, REST

Ruby on Rails开发人员和DevOps工程师

2015 - 2016
DRZ cloud services
  • Developed the company's main product's backend using Ruby on Rails.
  • 处理了数据的服务器端呈现.
  • 处理产品路线图规划.
  • Distributed tasks and handled management communication between front-end, back-end, and designers.
  • 处理产品在生产服务器上的部署.
技术:AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Ruby ERB, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Back-end, HTML5

Android Developer Intern

2014 - 2014
Hero Middle East & Africa
  • 为公司的Android应用程序设计UI和UX.
  • Created an application that is used internally for communication between company and merchandisers.
  • Created an application to retrieve the company's performance reports be senior management.
  • Updated product list on the company's server to be handled by merchandisers' app.
  • Handling securing uploads and downloads from the company's server.
Technologies: Android, Java

Express.js InfluxDB Logger Middleware
为Express创建的中间件.js that logs requests' URLs and their corresponding response time into influxDB.

Node.js File/Folder Watcher
Executes commands when a change is detected in the target file/folder.

Ruby on Rails视频转换器API
An application that is only served as an API that allows users to upload a video and used FFMPEG to convert this video into other formats and resolutions.

Node.. js推送通知
A microservice to be deployed easily and require only a few variables to change to be fully functional. This microservice has the ability to send push notifications to user devices using Firebase cloud messaging (FCM) or using its wrapper service OneSignal.

A simple react application that allows the user to click on any location and the app will find the nearest gas station from a list given.

Vue.js Admin Panel Prototype

Created a prototype admin panel for a Saudi entity showing off some proposed features. MEVN stack was used.


Go, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, HTML5, Ruby, SQL, CSS, Dart, Java


Electron, Express.js, Jest, Flutter, Gorm, Material UI, Redux, Ruby on Rails 5, React Native, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sails.js, Next.js, Angular, Angular Material


React, Node.js, Socket.IO, Vue, Vue 2, REST APIs, Chai, Facebook Messenger API, Stripe, Ruby ERB, Handlebars, Twitch API, Stripe API


Git, Docker Swarm, Mocha, Mongoose, AWS ELB, Sequelize, Angular CLI, Vue CLI, RabbitMQ


DevOps, Unit Testing, REST, Requirements Analysis, Stress Testing


Docker, Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean, MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Android, Meteor, Twilio, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Redis, MongoDB, PouchDB, RethinkDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), InfluxDB, Elasticsearch


Technical Leadership, MERN Stack, Software Architecture, APIs, Architecture, SaaS, Cloud, Full-stack, Technical Architecture, Technical Consulting, Back-end, Front-end, API Integration, Google Material Design, Software Design, Solution Design, CTO, Fintech, CI/CD Pipelines, Vue Router, Team Leadership, 电子病历(EMR), Payment APIs, Online Payments, mParticle

2012 - 2017



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