Jason Li, Developer in Shanghai, China
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Jason Li

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Shanghai, China
Toptal Member Since
February 1, 2018

Jason有十年的跨平台应用开发经验,包括使用jQuery和React开发web应用, the back-end using Node.js, J2EE, and PHP, and desktop development on Linux and Qt. 他一直是一个积极的学习者,愿意听取别人的意见. 他明白责任和团队合作的重要性, 他喜欢解决复杂的问题,乐于接受挑战.


Java, Node.js, React, NestJS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda...
PHP, JavaScript, Python, C++, Docker
Works Applications
Polymer, React, JavaScript, Java




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS), React, Node.js, Java

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Lead Software Engineer

2017 - PRESENT
  • Led the construction of a back-end team based on Nest.js and AWS.
  • Created a data crawler tool using the tool Puppeteer.
  • 合作开发公司新的电子商务网站, including a PDP page, cart, and checkout.
  • 参与公司首个微信小程序的开发.
  • 为API开发人员构建了一个Chrome扩展,以根据公司的原则使用Swagger编辑器实时验证API设计.
Technologies: Java, Node.js, React, NestJS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS ELB, Kubernetes, GitHub API

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2017
  • 利用Qt Designer开发了一个基于客户端的私有云虚拟桌面. 为虚拟桌面体验实现了一个指令集, including basic image rendering, keyboard and mouse interactions, audio, and video.
  • 构建了一个Chrome扩展,为用户检索他们的虚拟机,并获得更方便的访问.
  • 在WebSocket上使用Canvas支持基于客户端的虚拟桌面. 所实现的指令与桌面类似.
  • 使用Material Design重写了虚拟桌面管理门户的UI部分. 重新实现前端框架并维护可重用组件集. Led the refactoring of the user experience.
  • 参与全新私有云存储解决方案的设计与开发.
  • 支持使用Python和rsync算法的文件同步工具.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Python, C++, Docker

Software Engineer

2014 - 2015
Works Applications
  • 参与“我的号码保存系统”平台的设计及发展, 如何提高个人信息收集的效率和透明度. 它是通过使用Spring、DynamoDB和其他技术完成的.
  • 基于J2EE和Angular为某报纸出版公司开发ERP软件, including a web newspaper editor based on HTML5 canvas, a real-time chat system based on WebSocket, and other basic human resource management features.
  • Built and designed, in a team, an Android app which used OCR technology to recognize characters on images; specifically developing an image crop component and leading the UI/UX design of the app.
  • 在开发过程中帮助迁移一个基于java的数据库.
  • 参与了一个开源项目的开发和设计.
Technologies: Polymer, React, JavaScript, Java

Software Engineer

2011 - 2014
China Court System Project Team
  • 支持一个基于PowerBuild和Sybase的江苏省法院系统应用.
  • Created a database synchronization tool.
Technologies: Jakarta EE, jQuery, Sybase, PowerBuilder

Crawler of eCommerce Websites (via Toptal)

这是我通过Toptal获得的第一个项目/参与. 它涉及构建一个爬虫程序,从特定的电子商务网站抓取某些品牌的产品.

Highlights of My Project Contributions:
1. 利用代理服务彻底解决这些电子商务网站的反爬虫机制.
2. 通过从产品搜索结果页面获取数据,而不是逐个抓取产品详细信息页面,显著提高爬虫的速度.
3. Create a website for users to visualize data, download data aggregations, check the status of the crawler, and manage users.
4. 基于CircleCI和AWS弹性容器服务创建CI/CD流程,提高开发和部署效率.
5. Introduce a mechanism to integrate our system with AWS Elastic Container Service which will be responsible to scale the EC2 instances used for crawling; only let them start when the crawler is running and scale the number of ECS services to 0 when crawling is finished. It will help save a significant amount in costs.

FileGear: Private Cloud Storage Hosted at Home


我开发了大部分前端功能,包括文件和文件夹上传, drag-n-drop, copy, move, uploads, file tree, explorer, image navigator, and more. 我还基于Material Design开发了一个可重用的UI组件集.

For the back-end part, 我发明了一种渐进式文件哈希计算算法,大大提高了文件上传的体验.

Rhinobird: a Tool for Teamwork


我创建了一个基于网络的日历,供用户管理和分享他们的活动, 用户还可以拖拽来轻松地创建和更新活动. I also supported a real-time chat tool similar to Slack.

Sybase ORM

I created a Sybase database object-relational mapping tool.

Angular Infinite Scroll

I developed an AngularJS component for infinite scrolling.

Company's React Foundation Library

这是一个基于React的基础工具包,它被我目前公司的所有云体验人员共享. 我参与了组件的设计和开发,并改进了CI/CD流程.


JavaScript, CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML, GraphQL, Java, PowerBuilder, ES7, Bash Script, C++, SQL, PHP, XML, Python, YAML, TypeScript, VBScript, Ruby


Express.js, Redux, Ant Design, YARN, Angular, NestJS, Bootstrap, Qt, Jest, Next.js, React Native, Spring, AngularJS, Chrome


React, REST api, Puppeteer, Material Design Lite, Redux Form, React Router, Node.js, WebGL, Restify, jQuery UI, jQuery, Scikit-learn, GitHub API, Polymer, PhantomJS, Apache Lucene, React DnD


JavaScript Debugging, NPM, Chrome Developer Tools, Git, Webpack, Redux Thunk, Qt Creator, Bitbucket, Canvas 2D, PM2, Sequelize, Vim Text Editor, Atom, Shell, Jenkins, Fluentd, NGINX, Cocos Studio, Mocha, AWS ELB


Responsive, Responsive Layout, RESTful Development, Microservices Architecture, Socket Programming, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Functional Programming, Agile Software Development, Testing, Photoshop Design


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, MacOS, Linux, Linux CentOS 7, Jakarta EE, Android, Docker, Cocos2d-JS, Kubernetes


JSON, MySQL, NoSQL, Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, Sybase, SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL


Responsive UI, WeChat Mini Programs, Lint, Chrome Extensions, GitFlow, Data Structures, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Software Development, Mobile Web, HTTP, WebSockets, UI Testing, Android Development, Deep Learning, Design, Accessibility, HTTP 2, Enzyme, Network Protocols, User Authentication, WeChat Pay

2011 - 2014

Master's Degree in Software Engineering

Nanjing University - Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

2007 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

Nanjing University - Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Collaboration That Works

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