El Hassane Boushib,美国新泽西州泽西城的开发商
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El Hassane Boushib

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Software Engineer and Developer

Jersey City, NJ, United States
Toptal Member Since
September 29, 2022

El Hassane是一名软件工程师和有竞争力的程序员,对数据结构和算法有很好的理解. 他是一名专业的开发人员,拥有JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Node的经验.js, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. El Hassane帮助企业架构和构建软件解决方案,重点关注性能和可扩展性.


React, eCommerce, Gatsby, Node.js, AWS Lambda, Lambda Functions...
JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, Go, PostgreSQL, React, Architecture...
JavaScript, React, Vue, Vuex, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Kubernetes, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Node.js, REST APIs, APIs, MERN Stack

The most amazing...

...我建立的是一个电子商务平台,允许企业主创造, customize, and manage their online stores in real time.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer | Team Lead

2022 - PRESENT
  • 在前端和后端管理一个由高级软件工程师和sdet组成的团队,同时亲自动手.
  • 通过创建入职材料帮助新团队成员入职.
  • 帮助建立新功能的技术解决方案,并改进现有功能.
Technologies: React, eCommerce, Gatsby, Node.js, AWS Lambda, Lambda Functions, AWS Step Functions, Algolia, MongoDB, JavaScript, TypeScript, Terragrunt, Terraform, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Amazon DynamoDB, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2022
  • 开发了Eternal应用前端架构和系统设计.
  • 帮助设计和产品团队做出以特性为导向的决策.
  • 创建了一个Twitch覆盖扩展,以帮助创作者产生收入和增加转换.
  • 建立购物车功能,让用户购买他们最喜欢的时刻.
  • 使用Sass和JavaScript创建了一个交互式的动画打开包体验.
  • 与设计和产品团队合作开发高转化率的登陆页面.
  • 使用Firebase创建身份验证流以包含注册, login, email verification, password reset, and two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • 使用Redux和CoinMarketCap API构建全球货币转换系统,帮助用户在应用程序中将美元转换为以太坊(ETH)和Flow货币.
  • 创建了一个基于无限滚动的可重用分页系统.
  • 集成了使用MagicBell和Redux的实时通知系统.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, Go, PostgreSQL, React, Architecture, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS DevOps, Technical Leadership, Full-stack, CSS, Firebase, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, HTML, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), REST APIs, APIs, Microservices, Enterprise Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web Architecture, Webpack, Front-end, Front-end Build Tools, Figma, JSON, eCommerce, Cypress, Jest, Storybook, React Router, Testing, React Hooks, Unit Testing, Stripe, Scrum, Jira, Styled-components, Web, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), API Integration, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Authentication, Responsive UI

Software Engineer (Freelance)

2016 - 2022
  • Developed a decentralized finance application, including user and project owner dashboards, animated charts, and statistics.
  • Built a mastermind web game using Node.js, TypeScript, and React.
  • 使用Vue为一家澳大利亚银行创建了一个自定义内容管理系统(CMS)网站, Hugo, and Forestry.
  • 从版本1迁移了PrestaShop在线商店.4 to version 1.7、包括产品、客户端和数据库的迁移. Also, I installed and customized a new theme.
  • 协助创建一个CMS,以帮助瑞典发廊建立他们的在线存在.
  • 为一家澳大利亚招聘公司创建了一个完全可定制的简历模板, 帮助刚毕业的学生找到理想的工作.
技术:JavaScript, React, Vue, Vuex, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL, Flutter, Dart, Python, Redis, Docker, Git, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines, Architecture, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS DevOps, Full-stack, Next.js, Nuxt.js, CSS, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, HTML, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), REST APIs, APIs, Microservices, Enterprise Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web Architecture, Webpack, Front-end, Front-end Build Tools, Figma, JSON, Vercel, Django, Django REST Framework, Django ORM, React Native, eCommerce, NoSQL, Cypress, Jest, Storybook, React Router, Testing, React Hooks, Unit Testing, Redux RTK, MySQL, Chart.js, Webhooks, MERN Stack, Stripe, Gatsby, Scrum, Jira, WebGL, Styled-components, Web, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, Serverless Architecture, API Integration, Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Authentication, Responsive UI

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 为Android和iOS构建Sage移动应用程序.
  • 创建具有评论,分享和喜欢功能的自定义视频.
  • 创建了一个集成的实时聊天Sage移动应用程序.
  • 与产品和设计团队合作,为Sage移动应用程序开发独特的用户体验.
Technologies: Flutter, Dart, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, HTML, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), REST APIs, APIs, Microservices, Enterprise Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Front-end, Front-end Build Tools, Figma, JSON, eCommerce, Unit Testing, Scrum, Jira, Styled-components, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), API Integration, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Authentication, Responsive UI

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
Zelos Gaming Inc.
  • 创建了Zelos web应用程序架构和设计系统.
  • 将使命召唤现代战争任务和挑战整合到Zelos后端.
  • 使用JWT创建了一个身份验证流,包括重置密码和电子邮件验证.
  • 与其他工程师合作创建了Overwolf桌面应用程序,用户可以在开始播放自己喜欢的页面时直接使用它来选择任务和挑战.
  • 创建了一个无限卷轴的挑战页面,以及个人挑战和任务页面.
  • 创建了一个战斗通行证页面,从头开始构建客户旋转木马.
技术:JavaScript, Vuex, Vue 2, Vue CLI, Vue, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), REST APIs, APIs, Microservices, Enterprise Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Web Architecture, Webpack, Front-end, Front-end Build Tools, Figma, JSON, NoSQL, Cypress, Jest, Storybook, Unit Testing, Stripe, Scrum, Jira, Web, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), API Integration, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Authentication, Responsive UI

OpenSea Clone

一个著名的OpenSea网站的克隆,有几个功能, including creating an NFT collection, listing and buying NFT items, 探索最常见的NFT项目和收藏, and much more. 该项目仍在进行中,更多的功能即将推出.

Amazon Clone

一个克隆的亚马逊网站,包括注册,登录和购物车功能. 我增加了一些改进,以改善整个网站的用户界面和用户体验. 该项目仍在进行中,更多的功能将很快加入.


If you like Pokemon, 这是具有高质量图像和其他很酷的功能(如按名称搜索给定的Pokemon)的Pokemon集合, ID, or traits.


JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, Python, GraphQL, CSS, HTML, CSS3, SCSS, Sass, HTML5, c#, Go, SQL


Redux, Express.js, Flutter, Next.js, Django, React Native, Jest,顺风CSS, .NET, Django REST Framework, Cypress, Nuxt.js


Node.js, React, Vue, Vuex, Vue 2, REST api, React Router, Stripe, Django ORM, Chart.js, WebGL, Terragrunt


Git, GitHub, Vue CLI,前端构建工具,Jira, AWS Step Functions, Webpack, Figma, Terraform


Microservices, Web Architecture, Unit Testing, Scrum, Serverless Architecture, Testing, Design Patterns, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Web, Docker, Kubernetes, Firebase, Vercel, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Algolia


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSON, NoSQL, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Relational Databases


Software Engineering, Web Services, CI/CD Pipelines, Architecture, AWS DevOps, Full-stack, APIs, Enterprise Systems, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Front-end, Storybook, React Hooks, MERN Stack, Gatsby, Styled-components, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Chakra UI, API Integration, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Authentication, Responsive UI, Lambda Functions, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Algorithms, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Redux RTK, Webhooks, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

2021 - 2022

Master's Degree in Computer Science

University of Lyon 1 - Lyon, France

2019 - 2021

Engineer's Degree in Computer Science

High Tech School - Rabat, Morocco


Learning GraphQL


Collaboration That Works

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