Carlos Ramirez III,美国加利福尼亚州圣拉斐尔市的开发商
Carlos is available for hire
Hire Carlos

Carlos Ramirez III

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

San Rafael, CA, United States
Toptal Member Since
December 6, 2014

Carlos is a professional software engineer and full-stack web developer specializing in the Ruby on Rails framework. 他在科技公司工作了十多年, 帮助建立以技术为基础的企业. 他拥有威廉姆斯学院计算机科学学士学位.


Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Redux, RSpec, Heroku...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, PostgreSQL, CSS, Bootstrap, Haml, Capybara...
BiG Media (Contract)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Heroku、Bootstrap、Capybara、RSpec...




Preferred Environment

Git, Vim Text Editor

The most amazing...

...thing I’ve developed recently is a livestreaming product to allow video production companies to continue shooting remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Work Experience

Web Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 作为由其他3名工程师组成的团队的一员工作, an engineering manager, and a product manager using Agile methodologies.
  • Built an integration with a third-party identity verification solution to ensure that agents on the platform are verified and no fraudulent user accounts are created.
  • Migrated from a legacy single-role-per-user system to a multi-role permission-based authorization system.
Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Redux, RSpec, Heroku, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile

Web Developer

2016 - 2022
  • Implemented a site-wide redesign and front-end overhaul targeting both desktop and mobile devices. Incorporated responsive image best practices to maximize performance and page speed ranking for SEO.
  • 增强了CMS,允许创建新的页面类型, including a careers portal for job listings, promotional campaign landing pages, and a radio page with the embedded player.
  • Enabled multi-language support for both static and user-generated content coming from the CMS using i18n localization.
  • Built a Shopify store using a customized theme to ensure cohesive branding between the shop and the main hotel website.
  • Performed maintenance, performance tuning, 和代码重构,以提高代码库的质量.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, PostgreSQL, CSS, Bootstrap, Haml, Capybara, RSpec, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Lead Web Developer

2017 - 2021
BiG Media (Contract)
  • Created a live streaming product allowing video production companies to shoot remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Delivered collaboration tools, supported multi-camera shoots, 并使用多种流协议解决延迟问题.
  • 设计并实现了用于数字签名的行业特定产品, storing, 为视频制作公司管理合同. Supported both web browser and iOS clients using an internal API using JSON:API specification.
  • Built an AI-powered tool for detecting and confirming the presence of faces and other data in a piece of video footage. Used this data to dynamically generate Excel reports used by the industry for compliance and reporting.
  • 管理一支国际自由开发团队. 负责代码审查、特性范围界定和项目管理.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Heroku、Bootstrap、Capybara、RSpec, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Web Developer

2015 - 2016
Nafasi (Contract)
  • 使用自定义Twitter Bootstrap主题完全重新设计了可视化用户界面.
  • Designed a LinkedIn-like profile page with in-place editing and updating using Ajax and server-side rendered templates.
  • Implemented a downloadable custom PDF report using HTML-to-PDF rendering techniques to ensure proper formatting and layout of the final document.
  • Instituted an automating testing policy and implemented a complete integration test suite to provide full coverage of new features.
  • Added analytics tracking to the web application using Segment, Mixpanel, and Google Analytics.
  • 使用现代社会参与方式,如评论、投票等.,允许用户参与和协作特定于应用程序的项目.
技术:Capybara, RSpec, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Lead Web Developer, CTO

2013 - 2016
eDivv, Inc. (Contract)
  • 实现了在线美容产品交易市场和易货平台.
  • 为执行和开发团队提供技术领导, including reviewing code, generating business flows and wireframes, and other consultation services.
  • Identified performance bottlenecks and opportunities for optimization on the Heroku hosting platform.
Technologies: Stamps, Algolia, Stripe, Heroku, jQuery, Sass, Twitter, Capybara, RSpec, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Web Developer

2015 - 2015
Curated (Contract)
  • Built a custom Zapier app with triggers and actions specific to the Curated software service to allow integration with hundreds of other Zapier-supported software services.
  • 创建了一个系统,用于触发和订阅各种应用程序事件的webhook.
  • Implemented time-based, recurring, and event-triggered transactional emails containing summary reports and user-action reminders.
  • Optimized the performance of click- and open-rate statistics reports using counter caches and denormalized tables rather than ad-hoc SQL queries.
  • 使用更新的约定实现了遗留REST API的下一代(v2), best practices, and code improvements.
技术:REST api, PostgreSQL, Mandrill, Zapier, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Web Developer

2015 - 2015
Buster, Inc. (Contract)
  • 在三个月内帮助推出了完全重新设计的第二代产品.
  • Created a custom, rules-based engine for scheduling and sending customer leads to qualified vendors within the system to maximize profit.
  • Implemented custom front-end designs and user experience flows using SASS/CSS and JavaScript.
技术:Heroku, Sass, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Lead Web Developer

2013 - 2015
Map-tac LLC (Contract)
  • Designed and built a custom itinerary building tool and marketplace for travel professionals and clients.
  • Created a custom search algorithm for indexing and finding tours based on user criteria using Elasticsearch.
  • 整合了数十个供应商的第三方数据, normalizing the data to allow the search engine user experience to be consistent regardless of the content's source.
  • 开发了一个自定义标记工具,用于使用Yahoo标记旅行目的地!'s GeoPlanet API.
  • 构建了一个白色标签的搜索引擎前端,具有完全数据驱动的主题, branding, and content curation.
Technologies: Google Maps, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Sass, Heroku, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Lead Web Developer

2011 - 2012
Affirmify, LLC (Contract)
  • Designed and implemented a response management software-as-a-service system for HR professionals.
  • 使用JavaScript创建了一个自定义wufoo样式的表单构建器.
  • 使用面向对象的CSS原则实现了自定义设计的用户界面.
  • 为每个订阅者构建具有自定义子域的多租户帐户系统.
技术:jQuery, jQuery, OOCSS, Sass, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Senior Software Engineer

2008 - 2011
Total Computer Software
  • Designed and implemented a system-wide data searching algorithm and accompanying user interface.
  • 使用c#设计并实现了一个跨机构数据共享系统 .NET framework, and Windows Communication Foundation, emphasizing interoperability, distributability, and security.
  • 创建了一个集成了ESRI ArcGIS web服务的地图显示系统, locate addresses, and retrieve geo-data.
  • Discovered and corrected architectural design flaws to improve program efficiency and performance. 维护数据驱动的用户界面验证系统,以确保良好的数据输入.
  • 应邀在巴塞罗那举行的EMEA国际公共安全会议上发表演讲, Spain, 为八十多人的听众讨论云计算.
  • Invited to collaborate with project managers and developers to improve and test software for the .NET 4.在旧金山和纽约的微软技术中心的0框架.
Technologies: .NET

The Standard Hotel
A custom Ruby on Rails content management system for an International boutique hotel with properties in the US, UK, and Maldives. I am the primary developer responsible for building and maintaining all web content for the company. 这包括主要的酒店网站以及其他非酒店项目.

ME Suite (BIG Media)

A set of Ruby on Rails products designed for video production companies and creators that enables remote production and automates common workflows in the industry. 我是构建初始产品的主要开发人员, and I now manage a small team of developers while continuing to lead the product design and development.


为旅游专业人士和他们的客户提供的行程构建和在线市场. 我是负责产品最初构建的首席开发人员, including building out the API integrations to aggregate data across multiple itinerary providers.

一个类似uber的团体交通市场. Allows consumers to book limos, buses, vans, etc., 并为运输供应商提供管理库存的后台工具, accept bookings, and charge customers. I was responsible for building out the consumer-facing portion of the product during a successful sprint of just 3 months.

A software-as-a-service platform for creating, managing, and sending beautifully curated newsletters. I was responsible for creating a custom Zapier app integration as well as optimizing click tracking and analytics.


一个交易美容产品的网上市场. 我是主要的开发人员和首席技术官,负责构建最初的产品, implemented the logic for swapping, integrating with USPS for shipping and labels, and other core functionality. I managed a small team of remote developers.


A response management system for HR professionals to send and track internal documents and affirm that employees have read them. 我是这个产品的主要开发者和架构师, implementing the form builder, core workflows, and custom front-end design.


A platform to facilitate engagement, collaboration, 创新者和有才华的求职者之间的发现. 我被要求使用一个新的Twitter Bootstrap主题来执行一个前端大修. 我还构建了核心个人资料和社交媒体平台功能.


Sass, SCSS, HTML5, Ruby, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Haml, CoffeeScript, SQL, CSS


Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3, Slim, Ruby on Rails (RoR), minitest, .NET, Capybara, ZURB Foundation, Redux


REST API, Ruby on Rails API, Vue, TensorFlow, Yahoo! API, jQuery,, Stripe, Ruby Page Object, Chargify,谷歌Maps, React, Facebook API, GitHub API


Basecamp, Trello, Cluster, RSpec, Zapier, Bitbucket, GitHub, Git, Slack, Vim Text Editor, Pivotal Tracker, Sublime Text, Campfire, Solr, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Asana, Mailchimp


Unit Testing, Plain Old Ruby Object (PORO), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile Software Development, REST, Responsive, Model View Controller (MVC), OOCSS, Functional Programming, Agile


Mixpanel、Heroku、WordPress、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、MacOS、Twitter、Algolia、Mandrill


JSON, Elasticsearch, SQLite, Media Queries, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB


Product Development, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Front-end, Technical Project Management, Lean Startups, Full-stack, User Interface (UI), Front-end Development, Software Engineering, User Experience (UX), Web Development, Full-stack Development, Webhooks, APIs, Team Mentoring, Ajax, Stamps

2004 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Williams College - Williamstown, MA